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Chris Tamplin

If you have ever stayed at Movara, you have no doubt enjoyed the delicious creations of Executive Chef Chris Tamplin. Chris created our seasonal menu of healthy, mouthwatering recipes that have become famous with new and returning guests alike.

Before Chris was our Executive Chef, he worked as a server at the Movara restaurant. He quickly let the chef at the time know that he had an interest in cooking. “I showed him that I was interested in cooking, and wanted to learn,” Chris said. “He took me under his wing from there.”

In addition to serving, Chris began washing dishes, and coming in on his off days to cook along with the kitchen staff. Through the ensuing nine years, Chris climbed the ranks all the way to Executive Chef.

Growing up, Chris’s parents were often too busy working to cook too many fresh meals. “We ate a lot of frozen food, stuff like that,” Chris said. “As a kid, I always wanted something fresh. So me and my brothers would take apart all kinds of meals my parents would buy and kind of make them our own.”

Chris’s tradition of experimenting with foods and crafting his own meals has carried over to his career in the kitchen, where he is constantly crafting new courses, and accommodating the varied dietary needs of our guests.

“I have to find a lot of substitutes for things,” Chris said. “So much traditional cooking uses a lot of fats, and a lot of butter to enrich things. So I have to find ways around it so you still get that satisfaction.”

“You hear Chicken Alfredo, you think fat, cream, [and] carbs,” Chris said. “We serve it with a cauliflower Alfredo that will trick you into thinking it’s a real Alfredo, Spaghetti squash, which is sweet, delicious, and flavorful, and a lean piece of meat.”

The result is a delicious amalgamation of healthy ingredients that leaves you feeling full and satisfied. “You feel better,” Chris said, “and also just as satisfied as you would if you got a real piece of Chicken Alfredo.”

Chris’s expertly-designed meals are a key part of our program, and help to keep you feeling healthy, energized and satisfied throughout your stay.

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